Munia Zaki

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The benefits of listening to classical music

Classical music. For me it’s kinda like marmite - you either love it or hate it. I’m a classical musical lover, and in honour of reviewing selected performances of BBC Proms 2019, I’m dedicating a post to the benefits of listening to classical music!

1) The Mozart Effect

Okay there’s no need to remind you of one of the greatest and most genius musical brains that have ever blessed this earth. Studies have shown that listening to classical music have “enhanced the activity of genes that are mainly related to reward and pleasure, cognitive functions and proper brain function,.” stated by Chakravarthi Kanduri, Computational Biology Researcher at the University of Helsinki.

Remember in the Incredibles where the babysitter plays JackJack Mozart baby music - which my own mum boasts about doing as well - this was a satirical play on the hype sweeping the parenting world about the importance of listening to classical music to promote a child’s brain development.

2) 432 Hz

432 is the vibration of the universe. Originally, all music was composed and played at the frequency of 432 Hz, which helps our own vibrations and brain waves to align with the vibration of the universe. After the Second World War, the standard for all music to be composed and played at was 440 Hz, out of alignment with the universe.

The reason for this still remains disputed. Some people claimed it was a Nazi/Illuminati ploy to attempt to control people more easily, by getting them even more out of alignment with the universal vibration of 432 Hz (a theory I’m not at complete disagreement with). Other people suggest 440 Hz sounds nicer when played, though this is also disputed. Check out the link below to conduct your own blind test on the difference between 440 Hz and 432 Hz music, and which frequency you prefer!

3) Healing effects

Studies have shown that classical music therapy has been played in post-anaesthesia operations since the 1800s because it has been shown to reduce pain levels. Scientists and doctors often cite this to the beautiful quality of classical music, making it a distraction rather than alleviater of pain.

Classical music can also improve mental and emotional help, proven to have the same physiological affects as a massage! (for just a fraction of the price).